Multithreading with Microsoft Windows OS: See the web page of Nathan VanHoudnos IES Postdoctoral Fellow at Northwestern University at Here is reproduced his article (if you do not have access to the network): An easy way to run R code in parallel on a multicore system is with the mclapply() function. Unfortunately, mclapply() does not work on Windows machines because the mclapply() implementation relies on forking and Windows does not support forking. For me, this is somewhat of a headache because I am used to using mclapply(), and yet I need to support Windows users for one of my projects. My hackish solution is to implement a fake mclapply() for Windows users with one of the Windows compatible parallel R strategies. For the impatient, it works like this: require(parallel) ## On Windows, the following line will take about 40 seconds to run ## because by default, mclapply is implemented as a serial function ## on Windows systems. system.time( mclapply(1:4, function(xx){ Sys.sleep(10) }) ) ## user system elapsed ## 0.00 0.00 40.06 ## If we try to force mclapply() to use multiple cores on Windows, it doesn't work: system.time( mclapply(1:4, function(xx){ Sys.sleep(10) }), mc.cores=4 ) ) ## Error in mclapply(1:4, function(xx){ Sys.sleep(10) }), mc.cores=4 ) : ## 'mc.cores' > 1 is not supported on Windows ## Using the ideas developed in this post, we can implement ## a parallel (as it should be!) mclapply() on Windows. source("") ## ## *** Microsoft Windows detected *** ## ## For technical reasons, the MS Windows version of mclapply() ## is implemented as a serial function instead of a parallel ## function. ## ## As a quick hack, we replace this serial version of mclapply() ## with a wrapper to parLapply() for this R session. Please see ## ## ## ## for details. ## And now the code from above will take about 10 seconds (plus overhead). system.time( mclapply(1:4, function(xx){ Sys.sleep(10) }) ) ## user system elapsed ## 0.01 0.06 11.25 As we will see, however, there are a few reasons why no one has done this in the past. Our goal: easy, Linux/Mac-like parallelization On Linux or Mac, it is is very simple to parallelize R code across multiple cores. Consider the following function wait.then.square <- function(xx){ # Wait for one second Sys.sleep(1); # Square the argument xx^2 } If we want to run it on the integers from 1 to 4 in serial, it will take about 4 seconds ## Run in serial system.time( serial.output <- lapply( 1:4, wait.then.square ) ) ## user system elapsed ## 0.000 0.000 4.004 If we run it in parallel, it will take about 1 second: ## Run in parallel require(parallel) ## Note two changes: ## (1) lapply to mclapply ## (2) mc.cores (the number of processors to use in parallel) system.time( par.output <- mclapply( 1:4, wait.then.square, mc.cores=4 ) ) ## user system elapsed ## 0.008 0.000 1.008 And we can verify that the output is, in fact, the same: ## Check if the output is the same all.equal( serial.output, par.output ) ## [1] TRUE This toy example is a little unrealistic. It is often the case, at least for the work that I do, that the parallelized function either (i) uses an R library that isn't loaded at startup by deafault, e.g. the Matrix library for sparse matrices, or (ii) needs to access an object in the global environment, e.g. a variable. The magic of mclapply() is that uses fork to replicate the R process into several child processes, tells the children to do the work, and then aggregates the children's results for you. Since it uses forking, the entire R session -- all of its variables, functions, and packages -- is replicated among the children. Therefore, you can do things like this: ## Setup a global variable that uses a non-base package require(Matrix) ( <- Diagonal(3) ) ## 3 x 3 diagonal matrix of class "ddiMatrix" ## [,1] [,2] [,3] ## [1,] 1 . . ## [2,] . 1 . ## [3,] . . 1 ## Write a proof-of-concept lapply serial.output <- lapply( 1:4, function(xx) { return( wait.then.square(xx) + ) }) ## Parallelize it par.output <- mclapply( 1:4, function(xx) { return( wait.then.square(xx) + ) }, mc.cores=4) ## Check that they are equal all.equal(serial.output, par.output) ## [1] TRUE It is, at least to me, a little magical! I don't have to think much. The problem: Windows parallelization requires more setup Windows doesn't fork. It is a limitation of the operating system that there is no easy way to replicate the parent R session to create new child R sessions that can do the work. R gets around this by pretending that each core on the machine is an entirely separate machine. This makes the setup a little more involved because the user must: create a "cluster" of child processes, load the necessary R packages on the cluster, copy the necessary R objects to the cluster, distribute work to the cluster, and finally stop the cluster. Recall that the setup of the example is as follows: ## Load packages require(parallel) require(Matrix) ## ## Define example function and the global variable wait.then.square <- function(xx){ # Wait for one second Sys.sleep(1); # Square the argument xx^2 } <- Diagonal(3) and the serial version of the code is: serial.output <- lapply( 1:4, function(xx) { return( wait.then.square(xx) + ) }) Parallelizing this code requires more setup with the "cluster" approach. ## Step 1: Create a cluster of child processes cl <- makeCluster( 4 ) ## Step 2: Load the necessary R package(s) ## N.B. length(cl) is the number of child processes ## in the cluster par.setup <- parLapply( cl, 1:length(cl), function(xx) { require(Matrix) }) ## Step 3: Distribute the necessary R objects clusterExport( cl, c('wait.then.square', '') ) ## Step 4: Do the computation par.output <- parLapply(cl, 1:4, function(xx) { return( wait.then.square(xx) + ) }) ## Step 5: Remember to stop the cluster! stopCluster(cl) ## Check that the parallel and serial output are the same all.equal(serial.output, par.output) ## [1] TRUE This approach works on Windows, Linux, and Mac, but it requires a bit more bookkeeping. The hack: implementing mclapply() with parLapply() Even though Windows doesn't fork, I'd like to pretend that it does so that I can use the simpler syntax of mclapply(). My approach is to wrap the bookkeeping code for parLapply() into a single function: mclapply.hack(). This is likely a bad idea for general use. Creating and destroying clusters for every mclapply.hack() call defeats the advantages of having a persistent cluster to farm out work to. Copying every R object from the parent session to all of the cluster sessions takes up much more memory (and time!) then simply forking processes. Use this approach with caution! The final code is as follows. mclapply.hack <- function(...) { ## Create a cluster ## ... How many workers do you need? ## ... N.B. list(...)[[1]] returns the first ## argument passed to the function. In ## this case it is the list to iterate over size.of.list <- length(list(...)[[1]]) cl <- makeCluster( min(size.of.list, detectCores()) ) ## Find out the names of the loaded packages loaded.package.names <- c( ## Base packages sessionInfo()$basePkgs, ## Additional packages names( sessionInfo()$otherPkgs )) ## N.B. tryCatch() allows us to properly shut down the ## cluster if an error in our code halts execution ## of the function. For details see: help(tryCatch) tryCatch( { ## Copy over all of the objects within scope to ## all clusters. ## ## The approach is as follows: Beginning with the ## current environment, copy over all objects within ## the environment to all clusters, and then repeat ## the process with the parent environment. ## this.env <- environment() while( identical( this.env, globalenv() ) == FALSE ) { clusterExport(cl, ls(all.names=TRUE, env=this.env), envir=this.env) this.env <- parent.env(environment()) } ## repeat for the global environment clusterExport(cl, ls(all.names=TRUE, env=globalenv()), envir=globalenv()) ## Load the libraries on all the clusters ## N.B. length(cl) returns the number of clusters parLapply( cl, 1:length(cl), function(xx){ lapply(loaded.package.names, function(yy) { ## N.B. the character.only option of ## require() allows you to give the ## name of a package as a string. require(yy , character.only=TRUE)}) }) ## Run the lapply in parallel return( parLapply( cl, ...) ) }, finally = { ## Stop the cluster stopCluster(cl) }) } We can test it as follows: system.time( serial.output <- lapply( 1:4, function(xx) { return( wait.then.square(xx) + ) })) ## user system elapsed ## 0.020 0.000 4.022 system.time( par.output <- mclapply.hack( 1:4, function(xx) { return( wait.then.square(xx) + ) })) ## user system elapsed ## 0.024 0.012 3.683 all.equal( serial.output, par.output ) ## [1] TRUE In this case, it works, but we don't save much time because of the bookkeeping required to setup the cluster for parLapply(). If we run a more intense function, say one that takes 10 seconds per iteration to run, then we can begin to see gains: wait.longer.then.square <- function(xx){ ## Wait for ten seconds Sys.sleep(10); ## Square the argument xx^2 } system.time( serial.output <- lapply( 1:4, function(xx) { return( wait.longer.then.square(xx) + ) })) ## user system elapsed ## 0.020 0.000 40.059 system.time( par.output <- mclapply.hack( 1:4, function(xx) { return( wait.longer.then.square(xx) + ) })) ## user system elapsed ## 0.024 0.008 12.794 all.equal( serial.output, par.output ) ## [1] TRUE The final answer: A multi-platform wrapper for mclappy() My motivation for implementing mclapply() on Windows is so that code I wrote on Linux will "just work" on Windows. I wrote a quick script to implement mclapply.hack() as mclapply() on Windows machines and leave mclapply() alone on Linux and Mac machines. The code is as follows: ## ## mclapply.hack.R ## ## Nathan VanHoudnos ## nathanvan AT northwestern FULL STOP edu ## July 14, 2014 ## ## A script to implement a hackish version of ## parallel:mclapply() on Windows machines. ## On Linux or Mac, the script has no effect ## beyond loading the parallel library. require(parallel) ## Define the hack mclapply.hack <- function(...) { ## Create a cluster size.of.list <- length(list(...)[[1]]) cl <- makeCluster( min(size.of.list, detectCores()) ) ## Find out the names of the loaded packages loaded.package.names <- c( ## Base packages sessionInfo()$basePkgs, ## Additional packages names( sessionInfo()$otherPkgs )) tryCatch( { ## Copy over all of the objects within scope to ## all clusters. this.env <- environment() while( identical( this.env, globalenv() ) == FALSE ) { clusterExport(cl, ls(all.names=TRUE, env=this.env), envir=this.env) this.env <- parent.env(environment()) } clusterExport(cl, ls(all.names=TRUE, env=globalenv()), envir=globalenv()) ## Load the libraries on all the clusters ## N.B. length(cl) returns the number of clusters parLapply( cl, 1:length(cl), function(xx){ lapply(loaded.package.names, function(yy) { require(yy , character.only=TRUE)}) }) ## Run the lapply in parallel return( parLapply( cl, ...) ) }, finally = { ## Stop the cluster stopCluster(cl) }) } ## Warn the user if they are using Windows if([['sysname']] == 'Windows' ){ message(paste( "\n", " *** Microsoft Windows detected ***\n", " \n", " For technical reasons, the MS Windows version of mclapply()\n", " is implemented as a serial function instead of a parallel\n", " function.", " \n\n", " As a quick hack, we replace this serial version of mclapply()\n", " with a wrapper to parLapply() for this R session. Please see\n\n", " \n\n", " for details.\n\n")) } ## If the OS is Windows, set mclapply to the ## the hackish version. Otherwise, leave the ## definition alone. mclapply <- switch([['sysname']], Windows = {mclapply.hack}, Linux = {mclapply}, Darwin = {mclapply}) ## end mclapply.hack.R I posted the script at You can use it with source('') as shown in the beginning of the post. I would be grateful for any comments or suggestions for improving it. If there is sufficient interest, I can wrap it into a simple R package.