SGP: Student Growth Percentiles & Percentile Growth Trajectories

An analytic framework for the calculation of norm- and criterion-referenced academic growth estimates using large scale, longitudinal education assessment data as developed in Betebenner (2009) <doi:10.1111/j.1745-3992.2009.00161.x>.

Version: 2.2-0.0
Depends: R (≥ 4.1.0)
Imports: Cairo, callr, collapse, colorspace, crayon, datasets, data.table (≥ 1.14.0), digest, doParallel, equate (≥ 2.0-5), foreach, graphics, grid, grDevices, gridBase, iterators, gtools, jsonlite, matrixStats, methods, parallel, quantreg, randomNames (≥ 0.0-5), rngtools (≥ 1.5), RSQLite, sn (≥ 1.0-0), splines, stats, svglite, toOrdinal, utils
Suggests: SGPdata (≥ 28.0-0), knitr, rmarkdown
Published: 2024-10-06
DOI: 10.32614/CRAN.package.SGP
Author: Damian W. Betebenner [aut, cre], Adam R. Van Iwaarden [aut], Ben Domingue [aut], Yi Shang [aut], Jonathan Weeks [ctb], John Stewart [ctb], Jinnie Choi [ctb], Xin Wei [ctb], Hi Shin Shim [ctb], Xiaoyuan Tan [ctb] (Arizona Department of Education), Carrie Giovannini [ctb] (Arizona Department of Education), Sarah Polasky [ctb] (Arizona State University), Rebecca Gau [ctb] (Arizona Charter School Association), Jeffrey Dean [ctb] (University of Arkansas), William Bonk [ctb] (Colorado Department of Education), Marie Huchton [ctb] (Colorado Department of Education), Allison Timberlake [ctb] (Georgia Department of Education), Qi Qin [ctb] (Georgia Department of Education), Melissa Fincher [ctb] (Georgia Department of Education), Kiran Athota [ctb] (Georgia Department of Education), Travis Allen [ctb] (Georgia Department of Education), Glenn Hirata [ctb] (Hawaii Department of Education), Glenn Nochi [ctb] (Hawaii Department of Education), Joshua Lee [ctb] (Hawaii Department of Education), Ayaka Nukui [ctb] (Idaho Department of Education), Carissa Miller [ctb] (Idaho Department of Education), Matthew Raimondi [ctb] (Elgin Area School District U46 (Illinois)), Wes Bruce [ctb] (Indiana Department of Education), Robert Hochsegang [ctb] (Indiana Department of Education), Tony Moss [ctb] (Kansas State Department of Education), Xuewen Sheng [ctb] (Kansas State Department of Education), Kathy Flanagan [ctb] (Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education), Robert Lee [ctb] (Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education), Ji Zeng [ctb] (Michigan Department of Education), Steve Viger [ctb] (Michigan Department of Education), Joe DeCastra [ctb] (Mississippi Department of Education), Ken Thompson [ctb] (Mississippi Department of Education), Soo Yeon Cho [ctb] (Missouri Department of Education), Jeff Halsell [ctb] (Clark County School District, Nevada), Selcuk Ozdemir [ctb] (Washoe County School District, Nevada), Roger Silva [ctb] (Nevada Department of Education), Deb Wiswell [ctb] (New Hampshire Department of Education), Katya Levitan-Reiner [ctb] (New Haven Public Schools), Catherine McCaslin [ctb] (New Haven Public Schools), Joshua Marland [ctb] (New York Education Department), W Joshua Rew [ctb] (Oregon Department of Education), Jason Becker [ctb] (Rhode Island Department of Education), Jessica Bailey [ctb] (Rhode Island Department of Education), Ana Karantonis [ctb] (Rhode Island Department of Education), Deborah Jonas [ctb] (Virginia Department of Education), Juan D'Brot [ctb] (West Virginia Department of Education), Nate Hixson [ctb] (West Virginia Department of Education), Deb Came [ctb] (Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction), Ashley Colburn [ctb] (Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction), Nick Hassell [ctb] (Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction), Krissy Johnson [ctb] (Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction), Daniel Bush [ctb] (Wisconsin Department of Education), Justin Meyer [ctb] (Wisconsin Department of Education), Joseph Newton [ctb] (Wisconsin Department of Education), Nick Stroud [ctb] (Wisconsin Department of Education), John Paul [ctb] (Wyoming Department of Education), Michael Flicek [ctb] (Michael Flicek Projects LLC working with Wyoming Department of Education), Phyllis Clay [ctb] (Albuquerque Public Schools), Peter Kinyua [ctb] (Albuquerque Public Schools), Brendan Houng [ctb] (University of Melbourne, Australia, NAPLAN), Leslie Rosale [ctb] (Ministry of Education, Guatemala), Nathan Wall [ctb] (eMetric working with Nevada Department of Education and South Dakota Department of Education), Julia English [ctb] (Massachusetts DESE), Sarah Jo Torgrimson [ctb] (Massachusetts DESE), Narek Sahakyan [ctb] (World Class Instruction and Design (WIDA))
Maintainer: Damian W. Betebenner <dbetebenner at>
License: GPL-3
NeedsCompilation: no
SystemRequirements: (PDF)LaTeX ( with 'pdfpages' package for studentGrowthPlot option in visualizeSGP to bind together student growth plots into school catalogs
Citation: SGP citation info
Materials: NEWS
CRAN checks: SGP results


Reference manual: SGP.pdf
Vignettes: Getting started with SGP (source, R code)
SGP Data Analysis (source, R code)
Data Preparation (source, R code)


Package source: SGP_2.2-0.0.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel:
macOS binaries: r-release (arm64): SGP_2.2-0.0.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): SGP_2.2-0.0.tgz, r-release (x86_64): SGP_2.2-0.0.tgz, r-oldrel (x86_64): SGP_2.2-0.0.tgz
Old sources: SGP archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse suggests: gtools, SGPdata


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